Monday 17 June 2013

6 Month Mark...Yay?

Hey Guys!
So I've successfully reached the six month mark.... No complications, no worries..... But I still have my braces. I plucked up the courage to ask my orthodontist when I could get the stupid things off, and she said six months after surgery. I really felt like telling her that it was actually six months after surgery ON THAT DAY! Then she proceeded to change the wire, opening up a gap in my front two bottom teeth that is going to be hard to explain to my surgeon. Very annoyed.
But on the plus side, she said to get an x ray taken and she will make a date to get them off when she sees the x ray. So I can start counting down soon!
Ugh...... So sick of brace!
But oh well... Update you when I see the surgeon in a week.
See ya!

Friday 11 January 2013

One Month Post Op

Yay! Finally one month post op! I went to the surgeon yesterday and he did away with the rubber bands and said that it was looking excellent and the numbness should decrease as time goes on. I am allowed to go back to see the orthodontist, and I have to go back to him in a month. So until I go to the orthodontist, nothing new!

Friday 4 January 2013

3 Weeks- The Tape is Off!

Hey! So three weeks down and the tape is off, so I really have nothing to complain about. My chin is still really numb and feels kinda gross when I touch it. I'm eating so much better now and have kinda started to chew a bit and it is so good! I feel so much better and again, I am glad that I did have this op! My teeth have been pushed a bit out of place by the rubber bands but that is supposed to happen, so it's ok. I go back to the surgeon on the tenth when I am hoping he will say I don't have to wear them anymore. Changing them isn't too bad now but it was horrible the first time! Oh well, not long now!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! I took my tape off yesterday and it is the best feeling! I am really happy with how I look at the moment and how much my bite and the headache situation has improved. I have had hardly any pain and I'm glad I made this decision! I still can't blow my nose though! I go back to my oral surgeon on the 10th so I hope he says I can bow my nose and take my rubber bands off. But I'm not holding out too much hope. :) I am eating relatively normally, as the advice my oral surgeon gave me said I could start in 2-3 weeks after my op, and it's now 2.5 roughly, so I cut things up really small and kind of open and close my teeth to mash them. It feels pretty good, I just have to be careful not to do too much. Anyway, more news when I go back to my OS!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Day 13: Christmas was hectic.....

Hey! I'm really sorry that I haven't had time to post but I had heaps to do over Christmas and I was so tired!! That is the biggest thing I am noticing right now.... How tired I am. I will be doing the simplest things and all of a sudden I just can't do any more and I have to take a nap. :( oh well, it gets better. I still don't have the tape off my chin yet which is really annoying. It looks gross. Only four more days though. On the up side, I did not have to purée my Christmas dinner and I managed to eat my whole plate in tiny mouthfuls. I was very proud of myself. It did take me about an hour, but it was most definitely worth it!!
The swelling on my face is all gone! Yay! My nose is still a little puffy but it doesn't really bother me that much. The molars on my left side don't really touch yet, but I am assuming that a little bit of orthodontic touch up will do the trick. The rubber bands I'm wearing could have something to do with it too. They are supposed to pull my top jaw forward so that, when all the tissues heal and go back to their proper places, they pull it back to where it is supposed to be.
I have been reading my posts for the past week, and I realized that they aren't too clear. Sorry about that, I was having difficulty concentrating, so I will go back and edit them to make reading them a bit easier. There are things I left out because I've only just remembered them and things that didn't really need to be there. It will all be fixed soon.
I'm attending one of my friends birthday parties on the weekend which promised to be an enjoyable experience. The tape on my chin is still manky looking, meaning that I get to enjoy the repeated question, " So what happened to you?" But the plus side is that my friend just had her wisdom teeth taken out so at least she sort of knows what I am going through. I also probably won't be able to eat anything, but that was a given anyway. :) Oh well, I am going to have fun and my friend will enjoy her party so I suppose that's all that matters. ;)

Saturday 22 December 2012

Day 7: 1 week down

Yay! I have finally reached the one week mark! It feels like it went really quickly which surprised me. I don't actually have any pain, unless I try to do something that I shouldn't, but my top jaw including my gums, teeth and roof of my mouth is still numb, which makes brushing a pain. I was able to get takeaway last night, and I ate all of it in tiny, bite sized pieces. It was soooo good! I am definitely looking forward to being able to eat a home cooked meal and chew it though.  My face doesn't look too bad, a little puffy, and the bruising is going yellow, but on the whole, it's not too bad. Ten days to go until I can take the tape off!

Friday 21 December 2012

Day 6: Pain Meds Make You Tired

I really wasn't feeling up to posting for a couple of days, I have just been really tired. Nothing significant has really happened either... I wasn't very swollen to begin with, but it has gone down even more. I have been eating real food puréed, but I was able to break a piece of chicken into tiny pieces and put it into my mouth, which was delightful!! I worked out that it will be around two and a half weeks on Dec 31 st, which is the day I'm allowed to take the tape of my chin. It's also around the time that I'm supposed to be eating normally again! So I think my New Years is going to be delicious this year!