Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
I can't speak for all oral surgeons or all oral surgeries, but I can tell you it will set you back at least 2,000. Then there is also braces, if they are necessary, and wisdom teeth to be taken out.
Is it worth it?
I would say that it most definitely was for me. I don't get headaches, my tee are in the right spot, my chin is reduced and people don't comment on it anymore, and I feel much better. It all depends on why you want to have it done, and whether you think these reasons are worth the time, discomfort and expense.
How much pain is involved?
This is something that varies from person to person. I didn't have very much pain, but that could be because I took my pain meds religiously as often as I was told to in order to keep the pain under control. Mostly, I just felt uncomfortable and stiff. Knowing what to expect and expecting the worst sort of helped too I guess. I saw heaps of blogs of people that had this and they were really swollen and in a lot of pain and I thought that I would be like that, so it was a pleasant surprise when I wasn't. 
What can I do to make it easier?
Read about other people's experience, get advice from your orthodontist and oral surgeon, make sure you know what you're in for and don't get too nervous. Also make sur ou have support from family and friends. 
Things to get?
Soft, purée-able foods and vitamin supplements like sustagen, berocca, ensure or things like that to keep your nutrients up. Syringes and antiseptic mouth wash are really helpful for cleaning teeth, and a baby toothbrush to actually brush them. Rinsing with salt water is also really helpful.

If you have any more questions or you think I should add some, (I do too I just can't think of any :s) leave me a comment and I will answer them!! (As best I can. )

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