Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! I took my tape off yesterday and it is the best feeling! I am really happy with how I look at the moment and how much my bite and the headache situation has improved. I have had hardly any pain and I'm glad I made this decision! I still can't blow my nose though! I go back to my oral surgeon on the 10th so I hope he says I can bow my nose and take my rubber bands off. But I'm not holding out too much hope. :) I am eating relatively normally, as the advice my oral surgeon gave me said I could start in 2-3 weeks after my op, and it's now 2.5 roughly, so I cut things up really small and kind of open and close my teeth to mash them. It feels pretty good, I just have to be careful not to do too much. Anyway, more news when I go back to my OS!

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