Tuesday 18 December 2012

Day 3: There'll be a crash when you come off that morphine...

They took the drip off on day three, leaving only the thing in my hand to put antibiotics and occasionally pain meds into. Along with my supply of fluids, my morphine was taken too. This wouldn't have been a big deal, except the surgeon visited me, as he had,apparently, been doing daily, and told me to expect a bout of depression when the morphine had been dredged out of my system. I didn't really think anything of it. But it happens. Trust me. I was fine for most of the day, sleeping, watching tv, but as soon as my parents left I started to get restless. I had developed a rash along my arms that seemed like the biggest thing in the world and everything was so scary. The nurse gave me some pain meds to help me sleep, because the reason I couldn't sleep was because I was in pain. I was crying uncontrollably until they kicked in and then I had the best sleep of my entire stay in hospital, a whole eight hours. 

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