Saturday 8 December 2012

Surgery hooks or rather, bits of metal in my mouth.....

Hey guys, just a quick update. I went and got my hooks on yesterday for the surgeon to put rubber bands on to hold my teeth together. They are interesting.... Not hooks, more like little pieces of metal between the first ten teeth on top and bottom. Its probably easier to just call them hooks. :). (It sounds like a lot, but it's really only eight).  My orthodontist checked three times whether it was ok with me that my surgery was so close to Christmas and I assured her that I was absolutely certain! I was also expecting to get the bands holding my brackets on changed, but I guess that wasn't as important. 😀
I was informed today that I would be missed at work while I recover and that one of my fellow workmates was very concerned about my liquid diet..... He said that he couldn't imagine not eating for so long. Inspires confidence doesn't it? Now I am thinking about how hungry I'm going to be, and I might just go eat something. 😄 Ciao for now!
6 days!

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